Running Woman, 2025
Time-Lapse Replay for the Study of Running Woman
Variable Screen Delivery Size; 15.872 x 14 inches final frame output
©️ Lauren Ball
Lauren Ball lives and works in New York, NY.
Lauren Ball’s work and research in painting is anchored in her everyday access to drawing, digital image-making, iPhone snapshots, and painting alchemy. Her paintings are an exploration of her own soft survivalism, as experienced within reoccurring themes of domestic architecture and nature, framing and sequence, and perceptual hierarchy. Her work rests on formal concerns presented by digital outputs and color theory. Ball’s drawing and painting practice translates beyond the contemporary tools she engages with to create a reverent cordage between her identity as a female artist and the art history canon. Memory provides the shapes for a retelling of a new story through intuitive drawing, composite imagery, and color. The paintings are equally figurative and abstract. They are drawn to embody a fascination with the interactions between a personal mindscape and a contemplative scene using actual and implied line as the armature, and the arrow of the eyes, as seen in 15th century Sienese paintings. Color is the power that creates space while hidden meanings, alchemical symbols, and God coincidences continue to inspire her studio practice as a place where she can discover her own nobility of spirit through the realm of painting.